So, last year I decided to get into bird feeders. We have some nice woods behind us and we spend a fair amount of time enjoying nature and our environment. So I thought it would enhance the experience by attracting a greater variety of birds by hanging a bird feeder in the yard. And it worked; cardinals, blue jays, hummingbirds are all constant visitors!
But, all of a sudden I realize what use to take as much as 2 weeks to deplete the seed in the feeder was now being consumed in a day or two. At first it was the deer, so I moved the feeder higher so it was out of reach of these animals. But crap, I am still running out of food in a day or two. Being a novice at this I never considered it could be squirrels, plus it was high on the pole and extended out from the middle. I had also purchased a squirrel proof feeder ( or so it says??).
Then I found this little creature in the yard laughing at me with his buddies on how stupid I am. Ok Squirrel, game on! I am up for the challenge, Right? Well, in our battle of wits, the squirrel went on the offensive. Multiple of improvised blocks installed on the feeder and pole by yours truly, proved totally ineffective. And then the squirrel decided to pernitrate behind enemy lines and easily tore into the plastic food bag I had store in the gazebo. Mind you I had this up high, still he got to it. Subconsciously I am feeling defeated, really, I am strategically being out witted by a squirrel. My hope now is that he will eat himself to death??
But no, I am not giving up that easily. I am going to fortify the main food supply and purchase a new holding container.
This little gem to the left is going to stop him now. And for good measure I put a 10 lb. rock on top. But I'll be damned, don't I come out a few days later and find the new container empty and and a good part of the side missing, chewed right thru the plastic itself!
My hat is off to you Mr. Squirrel, not only are you smart, your perseverance driving your will to live and overcome any seemingly impossible obstacles, well I surrender, you win( not really, I got him in the end :-))! But just imagine seeing that type of obstacle in your life? How many of us would just say it can't be done and move on. Not this guy, he ate a hole right thru the plastic, big hole at that and feasted to his hearts contend, thereby preserving his and his companions life's.
So, I imagine about now your thinking, ok, cute story, but what has this to do with Bridget? Well, actually a lot. Bridget has had seemingly insurmountable obstacles placed in front of her over the last 3 years. Yet, everyday, no matter what the set back and there have been plenty, our girl never complains, never falls into self pity. No, she accepts each bit of news stoically with a degree of equanimity that I could only dream about. Moves forward with what she was working with at the time and surrenders what will come next to God's Providence. Figuratively speaking, Bridget has to eat thru a container almost everyday. And she does it and in that process sets an example of perseverance and faith in action. She humbles me and makes me proud, and I will be eternally grateful God has blessed Nancy and I with this fine human being in our life's.
As I write this, Bridget is eating thru another container, under going three more tests to clear her for the transplant, having faith that the insurance will come thru and that the proper donor will be found. I love this kid! So, the next time an obstacle arrives in my life and I am prone to "screw it" and moving on to something entertaining, I will reflect on Bridget and what she does to preserve life and do the best I can to emulate her example. I hope you will too!
Now if you have a few minutes and want to see a guy really obsessed, check this out
I thoo am inspired by her fortitude. Love this sweet girl!